Carbyon featured on podcast of radio station BNR (Dutch)
Our CEO Hans De Neve was featured in a BNR Nieuwsradio podcast on national radio (so, in Dutch only). Hans explains how nanotechnology is a key part of Carbyon's solution to tackle climate change. The podcast was enabled by the Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM) and also hosted talks about the revolutionary nanotechnologies of Holst Centre and SALD BV, our neighbours at High Tech Campus Eindhoven.
Our CEO Hans De Neve was featured in a BNR Nieuwsradio podcast on national radio (so, in Dutch only). Hans explains how nanotechnology is a key part of Carbyon's solution to tackle climate change. The podcast was enabled by the Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM) and also hosted talks about the revolutionary nanotechnologies of Holst Centre and SALD BV, our neighbours at High Tech Campus Eindhoven.
You can list the podcast here: or read further on it here: