About us

We are on a mission

How it started

From happy accident to a carbon neutral future

In the search of new materials to boost the efficiency of solar panels, by accident, one of the samples becomes highly porous. To his lucky surprise, this is the moment that Hans De Neve realizes how it could be used for the sake of direct air capture...


The very beginning

Back in 2010, Hans De Neve attends a Christmas lecture by Richard van de Sanden (DIFFER) on the future of renewable fuels. This is the moment where he realizes that e-fuels, and therefore circular CO₂, are the missing link between renewable electricity and a renewable world.


A series of first experiments

In 2018, a small team of researchers at TNO runs a series of experiments to validate Hans’ idea to use the porous material, that he created by accident, for direct air capture of CO₂. The first results are very promising and TNO investigates the option to create a spin-off company to further develop the technology and bring it to the market.


Carbyon is founded

In 2019, Hans De Neve founds Carbyon in close collaboration with TNO and other stakeholders in the Brainport Eindhoven region. Carbyon joins the HighTechXL venture building program. HighTechXL is a deep-tech start-up incubator founded by, amongst others, ASML and Philips to support start-up companies in the area of high-tech mechatronics.


First lab facilities

Carbyon opens up its first labs at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. These labs host specialized equipment to validate the adsorption and desorption behaviour of the sorbent as well as equipment to validate specialized mechatronic components of the machine design such as the heating system.


Winner of the $1M XPRIZE Carbon Removal Milestone Award

Carbyon’s promising technology has been recognized by winning the XPRIZE Carbon Removal Milestone Award. Back in 2022, Carbyon’s technology was still very premature. Winning the XPRIZE Carbon Removal Milestone Award illustrates the potential of our technology being unlocked by the outside world. The $1M was a huge enabler to take the next step in our technology development.


Seed investment round closed!

Thanks to several different funding sources such as the Brabant Startup Fund & a subsidy of the Province of Brabant, we have been able to cover our expenses of the first years. As the company is growing, a significant seed funding round of €7M is attracted, provided by a consortium of Invest-NL, Brabant Development Agency, Innovation Industries and Lowercarbon Capital. Welcome on board of our mission!


First integrated & ambient air prototype

To test all our essential components in one machine and to experiment with different weather conditions, we developed two lab-scale machines able to filter CO₂ from ambient air. This prototype is needed to validate all aspects before building the first pilot machines.


We found the missing piece!

Thanks to insights from tests on our new prototypes, Carbyon has found a missing piece of the puzzle. Carbyon successfully proofs that their unique fast-swing process is able to capture CO₂ using less than 2,500 kWh/ton. Fundamentally, this can only be done by the uniquely inhouse invented ultra-fast CO₂ capturing material. With this breakthrough, Carbyon takes a giant leap towards a cost-effective DAC technology below $100/ton.


Series A investment round closed!

Halfway 2024 we were able to close a new financing round of €15.3M! This will allow us to develop the first engineering-scale demonstrators, start commercial pilot testing and prepare for an ambitious scale-up. Our previous investors all step in again and are joined by three new parties: Siemens Financial Services, Omnes Capital and Global Cleantech Capital. During our Investor Day, the team and investors met and celebrated this milestone together!


New office and Make&Measure lab

In the meanwhile we have developed and bought a lot of new measurement equipment and our team has grown to around 40 people. Our previous office became too tight so we moved to High Tech Campus building 32. We needed a more professional and safe place for our lab equipment, so we entered a new lab in building 29. Hello daylight!


Proof of Concept machine

There are some key moments in the history of invention. Think the moment brother’s Wright’s plane took off, or the very first time mr. Bell could actually speak to someone on the other side of the phone line. Well, testing our new proof of concept machine was Carbyon’s. With this very moment we have technically proven that our novel machine concept works. Carbyon’s plane took off!


First outdoor machine

In 2025 we will launch our first outdoor machine which will be developed with the knowledge that we gain from our integrated prototype. The machine will be placed on our new outdoor test location at the High Tech Campus, open for visitors. Looking forward welcoming you to show our technology in action!


Producing 50.000 machines per year

To make a true impact on our climate challenge, we must think big. We are therefore preparing for our scale up to produce 50.000 machines per year in 2031.


A balanced carbon atmosphere

At Carbyon we begin with the end in mind, being our purpose. As Carbyon has been able to develop a scalable and affordable air capture solution using breakthrough technology, Carbyon achieved to capture CO₂ from the atmosphere on a gigaton scale worldwide. With that, Carbyon managed to reverse climate change as the atmospheric carbon balance has been restored. Next step? Keeping it balanced thanks to Carbyon’s technology.


Carbyon is located at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. This is one of the world’s leading technology research and innovation areas.

Co-creating with the ecosystem

Carbyon is part of a rich ecosystem of universities, research institutes, corporates and partnerships. This gives Carbyon access to virtually any piece of knowledge and/or infrastructure that is needed to develop our technology and increase our impact.


Passionate pioneers on a mission to tackle climate change

Carbyon is a science-heavy team, balanced by the support of experienced business professionals. Our culture is characterized by a strong belief that science, technology and business should be forces for good.

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The toughest challenge needs the biggest talent.

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Get in touch

We continuously welcome new partners to our initiative, so let us know how you can contribute.

For media inquiries, reach out to media@carbyon.com

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